The Increasing Importance of Higher Education Institutions in India

Around the world, higher education—also known as college, tertiary, or post-secondary education—has become increasingly important over the last few decades. In fact, enrollment in tertiary education in certain countries has spiraled by almost 40% from the 1970s to today.

Before, a degree wasn’t always necessary to secure a steady job and earn a living. Now, however, it’s essential for success. More and more students are staying in school longer to gain more knowledge and increase their likelihood of securing a successful career after graduation.

This is particularly true in India, where tertiary education enrollment has increased from around 5% to 29% in the last 50 years. And while many Indians pursue higher education abroad, India’s own higher education institutions have become increasingly popular and important. In this article, we discuss higher education in India.


Why Is Higher Education Becoming More Important in India?

Higher education has become so critical in India because it has proven itself to be the best tool for social mobility, helping individuals to get out of or avoid poverty, while also increasing the likelihood of them having a successful career. This is especially important as the poverty rate in India is around 13% (based on the international poverty line), which means about 200 million people are impoverished. India’s caste system lends to this, making cyclical and intergenerational poverty common and more difficult to overcome.

Higher education offers a clear way out of poverty and is tied directly to Indian family values, as getting an education helps everyone in the family and ensures the future of the next generation. Because of this, Indian parents have made it a priority for their children to pursue tertiary education. 

What Are Some of India’s Most Prominent Institutions of Higher Learning?

As the number of students has increased in India, so too have the number of higher learning institutions. In fact, India now boasts one of the largest higher education sectors in the world, with over 55,000 higher education institutions. Some of these institutions have been around for hundreds of years, while others are newer and are in direct response to the increased desire for higher learning. 

Previously, Indian students often sought higher education in foreign countries due to the cost and limited admittance to the best schools in India. However, now that India has more options to choose from, there are affordable options available so that anyone who wants to pursue higher education in India can. Here are some of the higher education institutions in India attended by Tiyara scholars:

At Tiyara, we seek to provide educational opportunities that will make life-changing differences for under-resourced young women and men in India, equipping them to pursue professional and skilled employment. We have scholars attending nearly 40 of India’s higher education institutions—some of which are listed above. Some of these young women and men have had their lives changed by crime, others’ families are often discriminated against, and some are from indigenous populations.

You can help make a difference by providing technology for Tiyara scholars, other education-related costs, or by putting a deserving young person through college!


The Impact of Education on Economic Growth


The Relationship Between Education and Family Values in India